

Common Splunk Interview Questions

splunk interview questions
splunk interview questions

In this Section we will be adding all the possible list of common splunk interview questions and answers that can be asked by an interviewer in an interview.

List of common splunk interview questions:

1. What is Splunk?

Splunk is a software platform to search, analyze and visualize the machine-generated data gathered from the websites, applications, sensors, devices etc. which make up your IT infrastructure and business.

For eg: If you have machine which is generating data continuously and you want to analyze the machine state in real time you can do it using splunk.

2. Why use splunk ? why can’t you go for something which is open source?

Splunk can you all the operations like analyzing machine logs, business intelligence , performing IT operations and providing security. There is no single tool other than splunk that can do all of these operations.

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