

Common Splunk Interview Questions

26. What is a Fishbucket and what is the Index for it?

Fishbucket is an index directory reside at the default location, that is: /opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk

Fishbucket includes seek pointers and CRCs for the indexed files. To access the Fishbucket, you can use the GUI for searching:


27. How does Splunk avoid duplicate indexing of logs?

The Splunk Indexer keeps track of all the indexed events in a directory – the Fishbuckets directory that contains seek pointers and CRCs for all the files being indexed presently. So, if there’s any seek pointer or CRC that has been already read, splunkd will point it out

28. What is the Dispatch Directory?

The Dispatch Directory includes a directory for individual searches that are either running or have completed. The configuration for the Dispatch Directory is as follows:


29. Where splunk default configuration does is stored?


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Splunk Interview Questions for Developer